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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Friday, January 30, 2009

Ice, Ice Baby.

I saw soo many people fall on ice today.. Funny shit.
My mom unintentionally and indirectly makes me feel like I'm a mistake.. She stays hinting that she should've waited.. and that she could've been so much more than what she is now.. =/
I went to school for no reason again; wasted my time bullshitting in the cafeteria for 2 hours, ate lunch, then left.
I love my best friend. She's the only person who's house I'm welcome to at ANY time during the day, on ANY day of the week. After I left school, I went there, and after sharing a few stories, I knocked out on her abuela's bed. -___-
Woke up just in time to eat and go back to school for my game.
Which, of course, we didn't win.
I feel like giving up.
But I'm not a quitter.
So I won't.. sigh*
Love & Basketball.
I don't seem to love anyone or anything lately except food, sleep, and my wifer. Yeah, I said it.
I wanna be better at ball SOO BADLY.
I try to practice more... run more.. pay attention to plays more..
I'm starting to hate winter, too.
Too much snow and ice.
I'm tired, but I waited so long just to get on the computer so...
Something is wrong with part of my scalp.. =[ It hurts.
No pictures.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

RME*; SMH*; && SH*..Ughh.

Rolling My Eyes.
Shaking My Head.
&& Sighing Heavily.
If you can't tell, I'm not in the best of moods at the moment.
Family members, friends, and the weather don't help either.
Obvious Fact: It snowed today. A lot.
No school for me, so guess what I did ?!

Absolutely nothing that was entertaining or replaced my world of boredom.

Today sucked so bad. I tried to sleep through the whole day, but that didn't work. I woke up just in time to catch Maury. I cleaned my room, rearranged my closet, and took a shower, etcetera; all while blasting my iPod. I took some photos in between time :

Good Morning Sleepy Head. Lolo, this is for you, because I thought about it, and there's NO WAY you're gonna catch me in your house or in your presence with my hair all messy like this unless I actually did just finish waking up. Lmaoo.

I love you, too.

Timmy ! ^_^ Remember that time we talked about how I would look with curly bangs? Well, yeah... it does look weird. o_O

Fucked me all up.
Think Green.
So, my mom came home and I was maddd hungry and she didn't wanna make food or buy any, so I was like wdf.. got mad upset. Whatever. Then Im busy on the computer with pictures and such and she kept bugging me to see some America's Next Dance Crew thing, but I really don't care about it so I was like NO, NO, NO.
I then check my IMs, from being idle for hours and not being on the computer all day, and mad heads hit me up. 3 of them for apparently NO reason at all. One I started a conversation with, but he had to BRB, which usually means I won't hear from him for a few hours or days. Ugh. I hate when he does that. Just tell me that I'm a wreck and that you're tryna help but Im being unappreciative, so fuck it, I'll talk to you another time. Straight up. And then a friend of mine from years ago asks if I wanna chill with her and her twin on their birthday. Its the thought that counts, so Im just like "I'll see cus basketball.. blah blah." And she says something around "Jus miss my birthday.." Like.. umm... I NEVER hear from you, what makes you think Ima just drop my priorities to go chill with you cus its your birthday?! Are you gonna come through for mine? Chill. Then my wifer and I get into this heated discussion over sarcasm and guess who hits me up with more sarcasm? Yup, him. Another arguement. Great. Meanwhile, Someone else is asking me to send mad pics from a party... like did you not read my away? It simply informs that Im ina bad mood and do not want to be bothered.. -____- Now he wants me to say something about him in this thing. (He said Sackary looks like Marcos.. seriously? SMFH.) If I were a jerk, I'd jus be like WELL HERE YOU GO. But I'm not so.. he has to wait. =P
But my head hurts and my back too.. STILL.
And Im still hungry.. Im about to jus do something extreme and actually cook something. o_O
I'm freezing.
My dog keeps fucking barking, I wanna jus remove her like.. barking box for a while.. Its driving me insane.
I've missed way too many Celtics' games.. SMH. That reminds me when I used to watch wrestling every Monday and Friday. lol..
I think Tasha was the only one who made me feel better.
"Get That Stringbean."
Deep Breaths and I'm Gone.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jalapeño Peppers.

I'm soo UGLY today! =[
Last day of midterms.. OH YES.
Thank G I don't have a science class this year.

Instead of going to practice, I went to this Education Forum, where the youth, as well as teachers and other "important people", spoke out to try and make a change and improvement in the school educating system that sucks as we ALL KNOW IT.
It was fun; I enjoyed myself and the company of my friends. I was surprised and glad at the same time that even half the students that were there would even show up. Hopefully one day, all our efforts will pay off and a change is made..

I have a dream type shit.. lol.

So, there was "pizza", if that's what you wanna call it, and these BOMB ass SPICY sandwichessss ! I fell in loveee.. and ate like 4 of them.. Delicioso Papaa.

The reason I'm STILL full.... 3 hours later.

I just ate almost a whole bag of baby carrots too. o_O

Everyone in my house is sleeping and it's only 11pm. -___-

So Feidy tried to come home with me again...

Feidy: "Va a escuela?"

Me: "No, a mi casa."

Feidy: "Noo, a escuela." (Giggles.)

Me: "Noo, a mi casa."

Feidy: "Yo voy."

Me: "Tu vas conmigo?

Feidy: "Si."

Me: "Pues, dile a mami que tu vas a mi casa conmigo."

Fiedy: " Mami, voy con Shanelle a su casa."

Mami: "Oh sí ? Y tu coat?"

Me: "Y tu zapatos?"

Feidy: "Esperate." (Starts walking to go get her things.)

Me: "Noo.. Bye mi niñaaa!"

Feidy: "Noooooooo !"

Bendito.. =/

My stomach hurts.. as well as my entire back.. I'm so full; It looks like an enpregnated stomach.. Not cool. I'm stresseddddd, gimme a BREAK!

I still need to fix Zack.. Sorry to those who have been texting me..

My shots were ON POINT today in gym.. If only I could shoot like that in the game... Speaking of.. I'm not going to school tomorrow, which means I most likely won't be playing tomorrow. Bummer.

Isn't it supposed to snow tomorrow?

Fucking Awesome. -__-

"I think I know what's wrong with me.."

Aaron: "What is it?"

"I have a thing for freshmen.."

Joel: "What the hell's wrong with you?!"

Aaron: "You're not supposed to ask a person what's wrong with them after they just finished explaining what's wrong with them."

Joel: " What the hell's wrong with you?! You don't tell us, sophmores that.." (Shakes his head.)


Relieve my urges!

Goodnight Suckahs.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


That's where I've been the last few days.
There's one more, then back to class.

Yay ? o_O

Today was a short, but interesting and entertaining day.
English Exam, Gabie's, McDonald's (Jeni's 1st time!), Back to Gabie's, then back to school for practice.

I bullshitted on my essay.. -___- McDonald's was MADD fun! Omg.. so much laughing. I haven't been able to just go out with friends and just chill and have a good time like that in a while. We were dyinggg for lke five minutes. Lmao. And then gabie's casaa.. I was caught up on mucho en su vidaa and more laughing and pictures! But they're on her phone.. So I would post them but.. you know.. I kinda don't have them yet. Practice was aiight. And I spent the night with my wifer. We spent mad time in her grandma's kitchen.. eating and drinking and talking. Idk why but that's like our "spot". Her dream was fucking EXCLUSIVE. She needs to go back to sleep and finish that shit. For real. Lol..

This is my wifer and I at her fiesta de sopresa:

I loved her reaction; she was so excited.. It was pretty hilarious. She had NO IDEA. This was in October by the way.. lol.


Did I mention I love this kid ?

Well, yeah. I do. He's such a sensitive, unappreciative, careless, intelligent, romantic, sweet when he wants to be, ignorant, unique, argumentative, loving jerk. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let it go.

This picture was taken today (not from Gabie's):

Goodbye Now.

P.$. I want kisses..

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I Can't Fucking Stand People.

Enough Said.

End of Story.

Point Blank.

The End.


If I took the time to explain, it wouldn't even matter or make a difference to how I feel or how people treat me, so Fuck It.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vacuumed Energy.

School was another blurry day; jus midterm preparations.
Practice was so very tiring.
I guess whispering and making kissy noises is the way to get girls nowadays ? It happened to Marina and I coming from 7 11. Dogs. We had to hold hands. They were so disgusting.
And then the boys' varsity game was OUT OF CONTROL. That shit was so intense.. I think it was the best game I've seen this year. Who knew Shea HS was that good? They went overtime and no one could stay in their seats. Everyone was cheering, the crowd did the wave, the refs finally got off their knees and stopped blowing the game.* ;] And Classical beat Shea. 84-79.
NICE; not their biggest lead, but NICE.
*You're still the BEST in my book, S.T.M. Jr. =]
But yeah, becus of my decision to stay and attend the game, I was going off the wall.. literally. Screaming at refs from afar, cheering, waving, clapping.. the whole 9. I was at a point wear i felt like puling my bangs out.. smhh. I swear my blood pressure was at its height. Oddly, my hands became cold, but that was probably becus all the blood rushed to my head ?
I didn't take any pictures today.
Well, maybe I did, but I don't remember, and don't feel like going through that long process of putting them on the computer, and then posting them here. Lazy? Indeed.
My energy is goneeeeee .
My right ring finger hurts and I DON'T know why.
I miss Spiffy..
I'm getting annoyed.
And this time it isn't my mom. -___-
I didn't really feel like posting today but.. I did.
W. Spahk, I miss youuu tooooo ! =DDDDD
Over and Out.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"Its A New Day."

So, our black presidente (spanish for president) entered the White House this morning. Throughout the entire school day, we all watched the Inaugaration; no type of schoolwork done. Awesome. What was up with that lady who did the poem ? And Aretha's hat.. smhh.. Other than this, I really have no clue what went on in school today.

No teacher? No rules. =]

I love this girl right here and her shoelaces.. lol. She's probably gonna hate the fact that I chose this picture to put on here. We took like 5 of them. o_O I love Marina Rhodes. So.. about that I hate females blog.. Um.. right after that was published I had talked to the girl who caused me to write it and... she's pretty much gonna unintentionally make me look like an idiot over and over again.. Don't judge me. -___-

ALL DAY && NIGHT, I think about this kid.. Sackary Lora. I'm in love with him and the reasons why are BEYOND my knowledge. SMH. I want to go back to New York.. ---NO. I need to go back to the Bronx. Providence just doesn't cut it for me anymore. Plus, that's where my heart resides, cus I left it with him. I miss him muchoooo. sigh* You still don't have the right to judge me. -__--

This is what we all look forward to.

I had a game today. I actually got to play on Varsity today.. woop-dee-doo. JV forgot how to play basketball in 5 days. SMHH. Classical lost to Coventry. I'm so tired of losing home games.. It's not hard to play basketball. I mean, I damn sure ain't the best one on the team but it would be nice to have a home victory every once in a while... most of the time...

My body aches. && my contacts are irritating me.

I hate Annie. She better leave by the end of this week.

My father hasn't called since Saturday; he's fucking up already. Why does he do this to himself knowing he's never gonna hear the end of it from me ? Idiot.

I'm starting to hate the snow.

Common has a way with words.

I miss my phone.. =/

I wonder if anyone really reads this crap.

I'm outta here.

This is pretty much how my day ended.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

For the Record..

The "3" I've been inspired by are L. Harris, S. McCants Jr., & W. Spahk of their blog: RELAX. So, if you're reading this, you should go check them out. They're shit is dope. Big ups to them. Woop Woop! =]

I Hate Females.

Let's just say I agree with that statement like 85% of the time.

They're beautiful and have the most wonderful personalities.

Then they're coniving and [innocently] send mixed messages.

Most of them have the illest problem with being real.

And very few of them have no problem with that at all.

I especially hate when they keep encouraging you to go, knowing damn well you'll get nowhere.

And you run to one of her closest friends for advice and she tells you exactly what you don't wanna hear; the TRUTH.

I'm getting sick and tired of this attraction.

Rollercoaster rides all the damn time.

I'm dizzy and nauseous, so I think I'm ready to stop now.

Goodbye P.S., Hello Heartbreak.

via Roma

I felt like I wanted to elaborate on the Sweet Sixteen.. That's the birthday girl, Kristin. --------------->
&& I happened to be sleeping until like 6 yesterday. So when I woke up I had to rushhh & get ready before 7. I got there at about 7:30.. which was okay becus so did Jeni and Tasha; I wasn't alone.

Me && my bitches looked good. Actually, everyone looked good. I love seeing everyone all suited && dressed up; shows they have class... Until everyone starts dancing... After the pasta, salad, and ginormous pieces of chicken, lap dances were given to the song "My Body" by Keith Sweat... SMH. Who ever came up with that idea knew how to get a party started.. That was probably the highlight of the night lol.. and then the chair was taken away so we had to skip to Plan B and just start dancing with eachother.

I ended up sitting with Awesome, Susan, Janelle, Natasha, Priscilla, Jenifer, && Nyquila. We took so many pictures at that table.. LMAO. Jenifer and Nyquila were engaged. Priscilla and Nyquila schemed to take the cup thingy at the table home... a success. Silence. Random Conversation. Laughter. Pictures. Dancing.

The night was young && we all had funnnnn =]

&& then Y$M came; more fun && dk dancinggg. Abalo.. lmao. Then off they went && 3 bottles of liquor = stolen. Niceeee. That pretty much ruined the whole festive mood of the party... Stupid ass bartender girls.. They should've been doing their jobs knowing the liquor was RIGHT BY THE EXIT. SMH. I ended up getting a ride home with Susan. Her cousin's car smelled mad good. && Jese's hilariousss.

Another addition to Memory Lane.

Now my female parental is annoying the shit out of me.

I should be studying.. Midterms start soon.


My mom's making breakfast for dinner.. o_O

I'm outta here.

For real this time.

What It Do.

See this picture? That's me.. after i cut bangs for the very first time since I was like 10 or somethin.. I don't know why I did or what I was thinking while I was doing it, but it looks nice so whatev. My hair isn't actually straight by the way..
Any who, in order for me to start this blogging thing, I was inspired by three, and encouraged by Jenifer. I loveeee ittttttt . =] I don't even know what to start off with.. introduction or something else.. Fuck it. You'll get to know me eventually. It took me FOREVER to make this ishh.. I almost gave up, but only losers do that. It was so complicated though.. I had to think about every decision I made.. -_____-
Last night I went to a Sweet Sixteen. It wasn't one of those MTV joints; we live in Providence where you're either tryna get money, or tryna get MORE money, cus everyone's popped. So yeahh, I had to wear a dress............ I wanted to wear a black one, but my mom was like "No, black is for funerals, sixteens are supposed to be happy.." Why when I showed up to the party almost every girl in there was wearing a BLACK DRESS.
And there was this girl there, that I've been like obsesseddd with since last year. She looked so fucking gorgeousss like alwayss. Her boyfriend hates me becus he knows I can take her away from him, but I wouldn't do that cus she..."loves" him. We were having... a pretty good time together.. until this dk fresh kidd shows up [her bf] and we had to keep our distances so she "wouldn't get in trouble." WACK. Since when did a boyfriend automatically become the father ?! wtfuckk . She was so worried about dancing while he wasn't there, but when she left, he had no problem dancing with anyone.. =x Fuck Him. That was pretty much the downfall of my night.
Kendel was there.. he made me miss Stephan sooo baddddd.
I need to fix my phone..
Lloyd is stepping up his game this year; I downloaded mad songs yesterday.
My mother is getting on my nerves. I wish I had like an off button for her sometimes..
This post is garbage.
I'm outta here.