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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Vacuumed Energy.

School was another blurry day; jus midterm preparations.
Practice was so very tiring.
I guess whispering and making kissy noises is the way to get girls nowadays ? It happened to Marina and I coming from 7 11. Dogs. We had to hold hands. They were so disgusting.
And then the boys' varsity game was OUT OF CONTROL. That shit was so intense.. I think it was the best game I've seen this year. Who knew Shea HS was that good? They went overtime and no one could stay in their seats. Everyone was cheering, the crowd did the wave, the refs finally got off their knees and stopped blowing the game.* ;] And Classical beat Shea. 84-79.
NICE; not their biggest lead, but NICE.
*You're still the BEST in my book, S.T.M. Jr. =]
But yeah, becus of my decision to stay and attend the game, I was going off the wall.. literally. Screaming at refs from afar, cheering, waving, clapping.. the whole 9. I was at a point wear i felt like puling my bangs out.. smhh. I swear my blood pressure was at its height. Oddly, my hands became cold, but that was probably becus all the blood rushed to my head ?
I didn't take any pictures today.
Well, maybe I did, but I don't remember, and don't feel like going through that long process of putting them on the computer, and then posting them here. Lazy? Indeed.
My energy is goneeeeee .
My right ring finger hurts and I DON'T know why.
I miss Spiffy..
I'm getting annoyed.
And this time it isn't my mom. -___-
I didn't really feel like posting today but.. I did.
W. Spahk, I miss youuu tooooo ! =DDDDD
Over and Out.


  1. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=186509603&albumID=1451359&imageID=23467351

    i like this one better =]
