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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Thursday, January 29, 2009

RME*; SMH*; && SH*..Ughh.

Rolling My Eyes.
Shaking My Head.
&& Sighing Heavily.
If you can't tell, I'm not in the best of moods at the moment.
Family members, friends, and the weather don't help either.
Obvious Fact: It snowed today. A lot.
No school for me, so guess what I did ?!

Absolutely nothing that was entertaining or replaced my world of boredom.

Today sucked so bad. I tried to sleep through the whole day, but that didn't work. I woke up just in time to catch Maury. I cleaned my room, rearranged my closet, and took a shower, etcetera; all while blasting my iPod. I took some photos in between time :

Good Morning Sleepy Head. Lolo, this is for you, because I thought about it, and there's NO WAY you're gonna catch me in your house or in your presence with my hair all messy like this unless I actually did just finish waking up. Lmaoo.

I love you, too.

Timmy ! ^_^ Remember that time we talked about how I would look with curly bangs? Well, yeah... it does look weird. o_O

Fucked me all up.
Think Green.
So, my mom came home and I was maddd hungry and she didn't wanna make food or buy any, so I was like wdf.. got mad upset. Whatever. Then Im busy on the computer with pictures and such and she kept bugging me to see some America's Next Dance Crew thing, but I really don't care about it so I was like NO, NO, NO.
I then check my IMs, from being idle for hours and not being on the computer all day, and mad heads hit me up. 3 of them for apparently NO reason at all. One I started a conversation with, but he had to BRB, which usually means I won't hear from him for a few hours or days. Ugh. I hate when he does that. Just tell me that I'm a wreck and that you're tryna help but Im being unappreciative, so fuck it, I'll talk to you another time. Straight up. And then a friend of mine from years ago asks if I wanna chill with her and her twin on their birthday. Its the thought that counts, so Im just like "I'll see cus basketball.. blah blah." And she says something around "Jus miss my birthday.." Like.. umm... I NEVER hear from you, what makes you think Ima just drop my priorities to go chill with you cus its your birthday?! Are you gonna come through for mine? Chill. Then my wifer and I get into this heated discussion over sarcasm and guess who hits me up with more sarcasm? Yup, him. Another arguement. Great. Meanwhile, Someone else is asking me to send mad pics from a party... like did you not read my away? It simply informs that Im ina bad mood and do not want to be bothered.. -____- Now he wants me to say something about him in this thing. (He said Sackary looks like Marcos.. seriously? SMFH.) If I were a jerk, I'd jus be like WELL HERE YOU GO. But I'm not so.. he has to wait. =P
But my head hurts and my back too.. STILL.
And Im still hungry.. Im about to jus do something extreme and actually cook something. o_O
I'm freezing.
My dog keeps fucking barking, I wanna jus remove her like.. barking box for a while.. Its driving me insane.
I've missed way too many Celtics' games.. SMH. That reminds me when I used to watch wrestling every Monday and Friday. lol..
I think Tasha was the only one who made me feel better.
"Get That Stringbean."
Deep Breaths and I'm Gone.

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