About Me.

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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

& I fell in Love in New Haven ..

Because after being there once, I had to go Back.
And once I went back, I didn't wanna Leave.
I'd go there ANY DAY !
But let me tell you .. ouf.. let me TELL YOU how it all happened..

Ever since we came back from NY, my sister & I have been DYING to go back to CT and chill with our cousins, cus they're just that Great.
We called my father 3 days in a row, and still got the same answer..
That we weren't going to CT that weekend.
Little did he and everyone else know, WE WERE GOING!
It took a few teenagers, a phone call, MapQuest/Sidekicks, and 2 cars; and we were in CT at 5am on Saturday morning. :)

This time we went on a tour.. I learned where the stores were, a water park, where the field and basketball court was.
We walked the long paths of another park along the "pier"/ ocean / water, and chilled on the bridge above the water.. it was so relaxing, soothing, and a beautiful scene.
Unfortunately, I left Trevor in the house most of the time so I didn't get to take as many pictures as I wanted to.. this weekend I'll make sure to do so =]
Cus this time we're goin legit with my father lol
i had such a good time there.. nothign but laughter and more bonding..
it was one of those "you had to be there" weekends ..
here are a few pictures that I do have .. Enjoy:

Seriana & Me

Serious face just like her Daddy..

Lmaoo.. we told him not to let us catch him sleeping ..
He looks similar to Rihanna after Chris Brown was done with her ;P

& she sleep just like her daddy ..

& this is my other cousins baby..
Cupid lookalike?

Nelle Loves the Kids !
Can't wait til this weeked ^__^
Oh, and this was one of the funniest convos..
Jay: So, you're names Shanelle, right?
Me: Yeah, But the boys down the street call me "Sexy."
Eli:She ain't Lyin`.. lol
It was the truth..
Got the CT girls mad already and i was only there for 2 days..
Here's some videos too..

She Ain't My Girl

Is a song by Trey Songz btw *
This niggas Official.

But umm.. he's not what I wanted tp talk about in this post.
Kalina Star Caban is.
Me & Her.. We have a History.
I went to school with her in elementary.
She's always lived like right down the street from me.
But we didn't start actually speaking to eachother until the summer of 2008 a little after Pride.
Becus her ex (Kay] had kissed me and there was this whole thing blah blah blah.
And one day I ran into her at the end of my street and we walked all thru Manton Ave just talking about what had happened and about how she felt about Kay and more blah blah.. but we had a strong friendship.
And thru her is how I met Mariah.
Her other ex.
Yes, Mariah.
And everyone knows me and HER history.. smhh..
Which ade Kalina HATE the shit outta me.
But whatever happened, happened, and there's nothing we can change opr take back so MOVING ON.
Kalina & I started settling our differences and rebuilding our friendship and now I spend wayy too muchh time with this girl.
She comes to me for anything, and I dont mind at all, cus idk.. our relationship is weird.. we talk as if we're together and take pictures like we are but we're nothign more than good friends ..
Friday this girl blew up at my phone at 8 in the morning just to come over and take me to work with her.
i only got 5 hours of sleep that night.. >:O
But whatever.
I went to work with her ass and we took pictures in the bathroom:

Well, this one was on the bus; like right before we passed Tent City.

Hit it from the Back; DUN DUN .


Playin in her hair ..

And I'm sure you've enjoyed this.
I know, she's Gorgeous.
And you'll probably see more of her.
Don't worry.
Btw, she ain't my girl.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Upstate New York ..

So, Friday my father had picked up my big sister and I and decided to take us on a trip to NY with the fam.

First, we went to Connecticut to my uncles house, and i re-met some of my cousins.. and spent the night there.

Saturday morning we started our long ass trip to Upstate New York.

My father had to pee so many times you could've sworn he was prego wit his diabetic ass.. lol

and the Cantey brothers are chain cigarette smokers.. its disgusting as well as annoying !

WE stopped in Queens to pick up more fam and then off to Uptown we went..

I swear that was thee LONGEST ride to new York I've ever been on ..

but it was all worth it.
My Aunty Arleen has sooo much land.. it was beautiful.

Theresn othin really to do over there except ride the 4-Wheelers and look at animals and stuff..

but with newly met fam its always fun.

My sister, cousin and I all bonded by a perverted game of pool, ridin 4 wheelers, and breakin night in a van .. lmaoooooo .

Fun. Fun. Fun.

i can't wait to see my cousins again..

I wanna change my Last Name to my fathers..


I didnt get to take many pictures but.. here's some:
This is Eli, a friend of my cousin..
..Raheem =)
This was the crashing period..
My sister Jalissa.

My father & I ..
Sister, Aunty Arleen, Me, Daddy..
Uncle Raymond, Aunty, Father, And I
My cousin Ramell's girl and their baby Jr.

I can;t wait to seethem again ..

Friday, July 17, 2009

Picture Post ;

Sunshine, tanlines, Parties, & Unnecessary Darma w. a Bunch of Lesbians = My Summer o9

& Nicki Minaj <33333333333

Ohhhhhhh Yeaaahhhhhh 8]

La La La Love IT ;]

I just LOVE how people who don't even know me decide to gather false information, talk shit, and spread it around .. smfhh..

SO ! I wrote a liddle rap about it :P

On some real shit, if I was a HOE , you'd Know It ,

So would ya Boy , ya Sister , & ya Cousin , Fuck It ;

I Love how nigkas say my Pussy got around the Hood ,

Mothafucka I'ma VIRGIN , so what's Really Good ?!

Got Bitches runnin` round ; spreadin` that I'ma "Party" ,

What the Fuck ? I like to Kiss, that never hurt NObody ;

Yeah , I Love the Ladies & I Like the Guys , too ,

Call it what ya want , but I call it "Do What I Want To" ;

& I never even Touched half the people I Talked to ,

So how the Fuck you tellin` people the shit that I Don't do ?

What the Fuck I got to Lie about? There ain`t nothin` to Hide ,

That's probly why you Bitches TALK ; You see the REAL in My Eyes ;

I'm Sick & Tired of you Fakes tryna` dirty my Name ,

All ya Fucks are really doin` is increasin` my Fame ;

So Check It, do me a Favor , play it Safe , & don't be a Dummy ,

Just KEEP MY NAME OUT YA MOUTH, Good or Bad, that's Funny Money !

Copyrighted so Don't Copy Me !

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Random, Long, Fun Ass Car Ride.


Haven't done this in a while.
Miss it..
I've been "So Far, So Gone" lately..
Out of my Mind.
Out of this World.
Just living freely I assume..
A year older, wiser, and more careless.
My mom knows about my attration to Females.
So there's no need to hide it anymore.
My dad is still a deadbeat who continues to let me down and disappoint.
And needs to give me my money ASAP.

Summer 2009 started off WELL.
Besides all these raindrops and shit..
The Party Life is Suhweeeeeeetttt (:
Saturday, June 28, 2009 = DEFinitely a night to remember..

Summer League is good, too.. 2-0 so far.. Score.
And soon, I'll be bringin` the mucka homee; I'm working babyy !

June 25, 2009; Michael Jackson died yoo .. That's sick.
I STILL can't believe it..
As I watched and sang to his songs until they stopped playing them on MTV Jams.
I always wanted to meetthis dude man.. and he dies on me.. Fuck You Michael ! >:o

I take that back.. Rest in Paradise.. :(

But yeah.. Remember that kid Jonathan who died not too long ago ?
Today would be the day he celebrated his 18th birthday..
I didn't even know him but I just felt it was necessary to make a shout out..
Happy Birthday man.. RIP.

And ya'll know Young Shad right ?
He wrote a Letter to Jonathan, dropped it along to a beat, and recorded it:

That niggas a BEAST. Listen to his other tracks, too (if you haven't already..).
He sees this shitty ass city as More than just that and reps it to the FULLEST.
You'll realize that once you've heard his songs so.. GO NOW.
The Shad Man still got hope for Providence.. even the "Providence Girls".. Hot Song btw *
He puttin` on for his city, call him Young Jeezy,
Soon to be the best, up there with Lil` Weezy (:
He inspires me... shh..
He also inspired Jordana aka NANABABIIE ! She's a fuckin` MONSTER.. like Rawr Baby.
And funny thing is.. I didn't even know she had it in her when I met her a while back.. and her cute lil` baby (:
Peep her game too:
Here's some pictures for the head.. I'm outta here..