About Me.

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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Weekenddddd.

I think I can actually say this one was Fun.
& Different.
Friday night was Boring.. & then Troy came home.. LMAOOO.
All I remember is I couldn't stop laughin`, couldn't breathe, and I woke up on the floor. XD
AND I had to wake up for practice at 12.... -___-
Which was HORRIBLE.
As soon as I returned to my cousins` I went to sleep until like FOUR or so..
I don't really remember what happened Saturday night.. =T
My team ended up losin` the playoffs.. It was a really great game though.. except the losin` part.
That girl can shoot.. and she's lucky she made that shot 2 seconds before the quarter was over.. xP
I went home happily..
& I THOUGHT I was gonna stay there.. I tried.
I really did.
So off to Tempy's I went at 11.30 at night,
Where a sleepover took place in Tempy's room :]
But it smelled like FEET. xP
Sunday was a blurr..
I'm thinkin` too hard tryna` remember it..
Late night out with Prima & Wifee;
Didn't go as well as planned but.. w.e.
Met some new people.. which is always cool.
Monday, Monday, Monday..
The day I realized I am a very jealous person when it comes to my friends. >_<
ALso, the day I realized I need to stop goin` to my cousins house ALL the time. -__-
Marco was free for the day from home confinement * so TashaBean, Spiffy & I went to go see `em. ^__^
So many Memories came to my head when I seen him..
As well as a future that I still Kinda hope for, but I just KNOW won't happen..
Oh Well. he's still my 'Husband' <333
Then, Evan's cookout was type fun..
Received a random good-bye "gift" i guess you can say ?
And then later am additonal text that led to :

That kid.. Ridiculous. SMH.
Back to Temp's.
Where I was SUPPOSED to accomplish something..
Had plenty of oppurtunities, too !
But, I couldn't push myself to do it.. =T
I'm going to.. one day.
All the while, talkin`.. well, textin` & aimin` again w. Ms. DeCosta on a daily basis has my mood up in the clouds again..
Let's see how long this lasts?

Of course I took somerandom photos; Enjoy! ^__^

this is from some activity we did in english class.. lol?

This goes back to Jesenia's Sweet 16;

Talk about paparazzi?



"hey lil` mama, lemme whisper in ya ear.. " ;]

if i could be your girl x33

This is gonna sound messed up ;

I can't even type it.

Too many eyes read this..

Blaterrrrrr .

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Here We Go Againnnn !

And the Drama don't start til Summer rolls in ..
Aim thuggin`;




Street fightin`;





& it never ends.

Just pauses during fall and winter, then rewinds and starts all over again..

I jus can't wait for the parties though ! ^__^

Even though.. those are prolly gonna be cut off as well..

Fuck it though.
Summer's almost here.

And all this rowdiness is "just a sign, letting us know that the warm weather is coming," says the police.

They don't even care about the street fights anymore, or the beefin` becus other than reason number one stated above, they prbably are just gonna let everyone kill eachother so they have less people to worry about.

Crazy huh?

Well, I'm outta here.

Even though I gotta walk around with my eyes glued to the back of my head, because I gotta worry `bout fightin` people..

It's true, but scratch that.

I gotta watch my back cus Summer `o9 is Here.
For your entertainment:

& She's Minee.


Monday, May 18, 2009


Lolo cut his hair:

Priscilla finally sent me pictures;

Los is gonna be a father;

So is Jigga;

Stephy is a mommy now;

Analia took her first breath;

Rhowen misses college already;

I cut my hair again;

Obviously straightened it, too;
Yescalin likes my kisses;
I've been wanting and tryna figure out Dae;

- Chabeli is a mommy, too.

- And Vanessa finally had Jiani days after his due date' making her a mommy, also.

- I'm starting to like Rap more..

- I met another new friend; J.C.

- Rihanna and Cassie have nude pics leaked. :]

- Celtics are out of the playoffs.

- I still miss Geek.

- A female from my past hit me up today.. Mad Confusing.

- Negativity is not so negative; it's Fun.

This is how I feel about school:

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's Raining.

I feel like I died.

Or like I've been reborn somehow.

I have a new perspective for almost everything.

Or I just don't care about almost anything.

I've become more confident and doing so, completed a goal of overcoming my shyness.

I don't talk about action, I just do it.

I don't think before I speak, I just say what's on my mind.

"I do what I want."

I'm unstoppable. Some call me crazy, bipolar, psychotic.

It's like.. I will walk out in the rain:

Like this:

And not care.

My use of profanity has increased, unfortunately, and I don't know if I even want to stop it anymore. I'm struggling not to swear in my posts..

There's more to life than school, yet we are forced to spend so much time wasting away our precious years of youth.. to become adults. It's like a trap. What if I don't want to grow up?

Vacation was wonderful. I haven't been to school since Thursday. And all the days I haven't been in the trap, I've been happy. I can name more than a few who can agree with me, so can someone tell me what the REAL problem is? School v. Students.


Sometimes, I just wanna delete mine.

It's like.. There's some Nas's, Jay-Z's, & Wu-Tang Clan's versus Lil Wayne's and Soulja Boy's. -______---

What The Fuck.

I been having current urges and curiousities on what it would be like to be drunk, to kiss a certain person, to go days without eating, have the swine flu, to dunk during a game, and madd other random stuff...
".. Weed & Alcohol seem to satisfy us all, now.. " - Drake

I realized adults are so interested in my life that they start making rumors after I start to come around again.. LMAO.

YO.. What the fuck is "love" if people just throw those words around so freely ??! I remember back when those words were sacred and actually meant something.. Now you can date someone for like a day, put the date in your away message, and say you love them.. what kinda shit is that?!

I listen to Tila Tequila. This bitch is TAPPED.

"You betta go down when you get wit me, You betta realize I'm what you need. You betta get here 'fore I count to three, You betta do right, I'll fuck you up!"

So yesterday I ended up going to Tempy's like I said I would.

And I think we've been a little too friendly to the kiddies aka Blunted Lil Boys aka my cousin Marc, and his friends George and Bryan*, cus Marc tried to bang me the other day, he kicked me yesterday and ran, he know better; and bryan was hittin` me, and george was tryna grab Temp's boobies; Quany tried to see mine, and Troy kept touchin` me. Dae was jus talken shit like usual.. xP

Friday should be fun.

I'm starting to like Rap music more than R&B, but not more than Dancing/Reggaeton music. =]

My Aim Buddylist suckssss. Hit me up and make life interesting: BiteM3 xP

I'm bored.

I'm gonna go dance like I'm in a club and sing like I can. xP

Tchau. (portuguese for bye)

p.s. The Goonz keep telling me Geek really likes me.. But I haven't heard from him since that day he was madd shady.. And I been tryna apologize for my "harsh" actions and words, but he don't wanna answer me? He really likes me though, because it really shows that he hasn't given up on me already..
Yeah Fucking Right. UGhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! >=o

Picture Post: via New Hampshire

I should've taken more pictures..

Daniel.. lmaoo .


AJ; my brother (yes, I have a big brother guys).

D looks weird here.. and you can see my dad in the background; told you I was Black.



Another weird one..

Why so seriousss ?

.. I see dead people.

That's my chain *

Monday, May 4, 2009

Picture Post: via Tempy's

McDonald's was a favorite place to eat out..

Daury's Casaa..

I lovee my wifeyy, so I give her piggie back rides.

Reflections are Fun.


Jeisonnn .


I don't smoke, but she does.

Brie doesn't like pics..

She didn't wanna get high off contact..

Quanyy; the ice-cream day.

The Stunt-man.
If you look closely, you can see the cut on his nose from when he fell down the stairs.

B.L.B. = Blunted Lil Boys.

Dae does not like pictures either..

"I'm not sleeping, dogg, just go get the bud."

From the bed .. to the floor..

funnn timesss.

*Piky & Troy are missing from this.

*and the Goonz cus I didnt have Trevor yet, and when I did, I didn't see them after... =/