About Me.

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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Jesus. I have not been on here in what feels like YEARS.
But, see.. what had happened was..
All summer long, I was either working, sleeping, not at home, or out of the state.
I usually do the bloggin thing when I'm alone at home, in a comfortable state of mind.
And mothafuckin Blogger.com refuses to let me sign on my phone, which also kept me from you guys, since you never catch me without my phone..
And now that I actally have time to be at home and blog or w.e, there's no internet in my house.. -__-
But anywho.
You probably already know that i've been spending more time with and connecting more with my "black/indian" side.. My reasons for going to (Pawtucket,) New York and Connecticut soo often.
Also why I chose to add "Cantey" to the end of my name.
My mother doesn't really approve of that, but what's done is done, & it's not like I removed the "Young" part anyways..

School has begun!
And, honestly, I'm really NOT too fond of being a Junior at Classical right about now.
Every time I walk into Mr. Alexion's research class, I find myself sitting there with a throbbing migrane that won't leave my brain for Hours.
And there's this new non-rotating schedule that's going on..
So, basically I have to go to the Same classes, with the Same teachers, see the Same people, at the Same time EVERY DAY.
I forgot to mention the Same long/lunch period with Mrs. Conroy, which is not that bad... so far.
It's just going to be a very... monotonous schoolyear for me.
I can already see the classes I'm going to do poorly in .. SMH.
I'ma ride it out .. Fuck it.
I just can't wait until Basketballlllllllllll Seasonnnnnnnnnnn ! Yesssaaaa.

So, the other day a Round Robin took place took place at Mt. Pleasant,
where football teams from all different schools face eachother for an injury fund i guess.
Man, oh MAN.
I did not think a football event would pull me through Memory Lane..
See, I used to be a cheerleader and our home games were @ that same field.
On top of that, I just so happened to see people I haven't seen since last year, or my 8th grade graduation, even people from ELEMENTARY dogs !
People I was once so close with, but yet the relationship somehow just Poof! and vanished as I grew up .. and ran outta time for .. or just lived too far.
Good times.. I enjoyed myself.

Well, that pretty much sums up what I've doin with my life lately.. Most of it I guess.
I know people have been waiting for this, hope its worthwhile because idk when the EFF I'm gonna be able to post again! o_O

So, umm.. Enjoy. And i will have pictures for you when i'm posting from home.

p.$ Leave comments please so that i know you people actually read and encourage me to post more often.


  1. well i guess i'm not the only one suffering with the district's screwups. its much worst to be a senior rite now though,its either do your work or you don't get your diploma! lols,but overall i think i know how you feelw hen it comes to school. the other tings i pretty much dnt relate to em. hope you have a great year. btw: this new schedule sucks,but classes r shorter now so its all good.
