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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Monday, May 4, 2009

April Vacation.

It's been.. a VERY long while, obviously, since I last posted.
I fell off around.. April Vacation, which is so indescribable by the way. Let me just update you feens (i'll try my best to brief it out, cus I know SOME OF YOU don't read lengthy posts xP):

So, vacation.. I was at my crazy ass cousin, Tempy's house, which some of you may or may not know. I freakin` lovee her, she made my vacation.. NOT boring. As well as my last summer and days after April Vacation.. and Friday.. and probably today.

The hours of April 14th and 15th were probably the best hours of vacation. I can't actually remember what happened during the day of the 14th, but I do know that Tempy, Yescalin, and I found ourselves at Sam's ( a store in Olneyville Square ) at like 2a.m. because I was hungry. Then, when we went back to her house, we was invited to go see The Shad Man. I didn't even wanna go, until when they left, I started feelin` sick because.. you know the lonely phobia thing right? Yeah. And then they told me SPIFFY, aka Jenifer, was over there, so of course I jumped up to go cus.. I'm like OBSESSED w. her. . . . SIKE. But I care for this girl a whole lot, so yeah. I got up and went to go find them since no one wanted to meet me! Assholes.. I stood in the middle of Pocassett Ave. and Webster Ave. for like 10 minutes at around 3a.m. -____-- No cars are out at this time on a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. I was still scared cus then a truck was like parked and then all of a sudden guy started goin into it staring at me.. and i was like oh no.. someone needs to meet me asap!

Then Tempy and Shad came and we headed over to Jeison's. Let me add that Jeison.. WAS FUCKED UPPP; GONNEEEE. And knocked out on two beds along with Shad, Tempy, Yescalin, Asian Johnny, Geek, Jenifer, Josh, and then ME. And Angie was sittin on the chair. So I came in, and everyone in there had been drinking except for the new three (tempy, yescalin and I) and it seemed so packed in there so we did liek a "check-in" lmaooo . Shad's idea* to go around and say our names and 2 things about us, where the loveee of blogggingg was revealed by Jenifer and I. I got mad amp'd and hyper off the topic so before I did anythign crazy I sat next to Jenifer and Geek.

Josh is mad crazyy. He had to be the 2nd DRUNKEST of them all, cus its either you knocked like Jeison or ya mad hype, tellin` stories, talken mad LOUD, and doin crazy shit like Josh was. Josh, jeni and I made like 2 random ass screensavers for Jeisons computer.. cus he was KNOCKED, and couldnt stop us. We made like a crazy one wit MADDD colors and shapes and shit and Josh was doin "tricks" with the paint. lmaoo and then we made a pop tart and named it JJS or JSJ or some shit like that. lmaoooo . And Geek tried to go to sleep until he got some lotion on him. ANd I pet his hair and said he'll be okay. Jeison now was SNORING like a fuckin`.. giant pig or hog callin for help.

then I pulled out half a brownie.. got hungry.. and pieced it wit like everyone and someone decided to put a piece in Jeisons mouth.. lol.. and then Josh got the crazy idea to put Jeison on the floor! So thats exactly what happened. It was recorded too. And watchin Jeison on the floor was like watchin a wild animal sleeping, having nightmares. Josh and Shad started talken like that crocodile hunter, madd funnyy. He kept moving and doing weird shit with his mouth and so Josh gave Yescalin the job to turn the lights off every time his eyes opened.. The at one point Jeison, sleeping, sat up against his bed.. " This nigga tried to bite my knee! " - Josh

All of sudden we're all jus sittin there chillen and laughin and stuff.. then Jeison gets up! And tried to fight Josh. lmao. So then it was that time to go.. he kicked us out too. xP So everyone except Johnny and Jeison went over to Tempy's. =] While we walken, Geek was like walking behind us, and thinking he was shy or something, I started talking to him, waited for him to catch up and put my arm around him while we walked so he can stay with us.. Well, with me. :]

So we arrive at Tempys and all pile onto her bed, her TWIN bed. Shad, Tempy, Jenifer, Me, Geek, Josh, and Yescalin. And Angie on the chair.. again. lol. We listened to music, danced on pols, told more stories, laughed, good time. Yescalin and Josh cuddled up, as did Shad and Temp, as did Geek and I. And somehow we rested? Idk. I fell asleep listening to Josh say that I was Geek's girl, and that we were married or some shit lol. And then I woek up to Geek holdin me and Shad sleeping, but everyone else was gone. First, I checked if anyone else was around, seen if my money and my phone was in my pocket, and if my pants were zipped and my clothes were on. Check. Check. Check.

I got up and some were upstairs making food and others were just outsie Tempys room. Sigh of relief. SO I went to the bathroom and came back and the bed was taken overrrr. By everyone except for Geek and I. -____-- What a coincidence. We ended up innocently and literally sleeping in the next room, him holding me again.. =] =] =] In case you haven't noticed or haven't read, I have this thing where I can't sleep alone and Geek was my favorite person at this point. 11a.m or 12pm came and it was time for everyone to go. =/
Later I was informed that *someone got the blues. haha.. right, Spiffy?

So yadda yadda, went home and did everything I had to do that day. Then I ended right back at Tempy's. I swear her house is the jumpoff. It's like a magnet to me... Anyways. I still hadn't slept since I left and I was running on an hour of sleep, if that. So I tried to take a nap then I heard the high pitched scream of girls aka Yescalin and Tempy, who then was like let's go, let's go, they're there. So back to the spot we went. And we were in for a surprise. AS we walk up the street we see a BIG ASS GROUP of dudes and a few girls. We look at eachother and then try to seek out OUR dudes. We found Josh. Shad appeared. Where was Geek? IDk. But all the other members of the crew were tryna holla.. All drunk, high, fresh out of jail.. lol. We had to leave the area a few times due to the Boys.. for loitering. So we scattered, walked around hand in hand with our boys, I found Geek by this time, and went right back to the spot.

Idk what else happened. Everyone started to leave cus they couldn't bag us.. Tough Luck. =/ i still bagged aims and myspaces tho.. lol. And Yescalin, Tempy, And I ended up on some random stairs with Josh, Shad, and Geek. Hugged up, lapped up, just chillen. Waiting for their ride to come.

" I just sat back and watched them all drop like flies " - Geek
And I swear by this time everyone knew what Josh's weewee l0okedl ike. Cus he was oh sodrunk once again and just pee'd whereever he pleased in front of everyone. He din't even care.. it was that drunken effect. lmaoo. The ride came. And we said our goodbyes and for some reason you knew it was fun while it lasted becus you felt like you were never gonna see them again. So I kissed Geek. Why not? And the 3 Muskateers went back to Tempys.

Yeah, we talked to them on AIM. We even tried to plan to meet up during the last few days of vacation, but that didn't work out... 3 times. So all we could do is miss them.. and then Geek invited us to the block sometime after vacation and we spent hours just wandering around until he finally popped up.. -___-- After that day I told him I never wanted 2 talk to him again. And that I was never goin over there again.
he didn't believe me.
I haven't talked to him since..
And then yesterday Shad told me that Geek really likes me.

Other days of that vacation consisted of being surrounded by "drunk poker players" and blunted teens.. lol.

So, this vacation opens up a case of just living life to the fullest. No matter who you're with, what time of the day/night it is, or where you are, have funnnn. Make it worth your timee. Make every moment something to remember. Because who knows when it will all end.. and you don't know when you're going to enjoy moments with these people again..


& Geek..

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