About Me.

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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I've Been... Tagged.

Thanks W. Spahk ! -___-
The rules: Write 16 things about yourself; tag however many people you want by leaving them a comment letting them know they've been tagged.

1. I do not like being put on the spot to list random things about myself. It causes me to think too much. Don't Judge Me.
2. I'm pretty tall for a female.. 5'10 ?
3. I hate Classical High School.. and I go there..
4. In case you haven't read, I'm currently recovering from a unexplainable heartbreak.. =/
5. My favorite number is 5. Ever since Gerald Green came to my vision.. But I don't even like him anymore. I just like 5.
6. I love the color Green; it's for Freaks. ;)
7. Music is basically my life (besides Heiry). I listen to almost EVERYTHING, but I prefer songs I can relate to. My music has to BLAST, nothing less. And most likely you'll find me dancing to almost everything as well. Unfortunately, I'm relating to not-so-happy songs right about now..
8. I went out to eat with my madre these past three days.
9. I call my cat "Meow," even though his name is "Smokey."
10. I only like writing in blue ink, so please DO NOT give me a pencil or a black pen.
11. I come from 4 different eithnic backgrounds, but speak the language that I'm not; Spanish.
12. I tend to give extremely good advice that I, myself, have a hard time following when it's my turn to take it.
14. I have an obsession with lips.. height.. and skin tone when it comes to people I have an interest for. I think I've only made ONE acception.
15. It doesn't take much to please me or make me fall for you. That's my only weakness.
16. I really don't wanna be tagged again if it's possible.
I'm tagging:
Ryan c.

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