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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lalalalaa :]

So, I could say A LOT of things.. one too many things.. in response to that hilarious, wonderfully false, amazingly rumor-based post about me by Ms. BIGshot. . .
But I won't.
As a matter of fact, I can say some fucked up, HONEST TRUTH shit that could just trigger this female's nerves more than I already do.. just-make-her-wanna-kill-me type words. . .
But I ain`t even going to attempt to stoop that low.

As a 19 year-old working college student with responsibilities, she should know better. . .

She should know better than to actually let and allow "uncool little highschoolers" like me, get to her head.

Apparently, she doesn't get it.

She needs more time. . . to GROW UP.

Some people learn at their own pace and are slow-learners, but she'll get it one day.

And I accept that.

I'm going to just dust my hands with this one; turn my back on it; be the "bigger person". . .

Shaq Diesel, right ?


Because, honestly, what's in it for me ?

Absolutely NADA.

So, I ain`t even going to waist my time.

Since when did Blogger.com become the new site to "bang" and talk shit about other heads, start arguments, fights, and beef?


Keep this shit as a "place for venting" as some say, and not a place where the unnecessary and uncalled is said/written to give people MORE to vent about.

Don't you have something more called a ... LIFE?

Oh yeah, she's coming to my school soon.

I'm shaking.


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