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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning how to dance in the rain, all the while knowing the sun will shine again."

Friday, March 20, 2009

Boom Boom Pow.

is actually the name of some song by Black Eyed Peas.. It amp's me up.
Like how AIM bangahs get amp`d up by talking madd shit over AIM! I have a new one of those by the way.. One I don't even know this time. All I know is that she's from New York, she's Lolo's cousin's girl, she's knows 'everything about me', and likes to "bang" from another person's sn.. like.. seriously?! && Since when was it a problem to comment pictures on Myspace?
Ideekayy, but Whatev. That was like Thursday's news.

Anyways, basketball has become a very LARGE part of life recently. Although the season has ended, I can't stop playing. I told you guys about the women's league right? About that.. My coach? FUCKING SUCKS. The team I'm on is decent, we need some work, but we have potential. Saturday was my first game with this team and I felt so PRESSURED, not only by the coach, but the whole team as well. Because I do so well in practice, they all expected me to be like super-great at the game. And I have to admit that I wasn't AT ALL. First game jitters maybe? Too much pressure? Because my fingers jammed again? Or simply because of the simple fact that they don't know how to fast break (the part which I do so well at during practice)? I DONT UNDERSTAND. I expect things to be taught next practice, so that we can prosper in our next game.

"What's gonna win the games? Foul shots and lay-ups."

- Mr. O

Anywho, I just got a letter, I just got a letter, I just got a letter, and Melina is who it's from! :) :) :) I miss herr soo muchhh ! She's coming back soon, though I don't know when, I can't wait.

Everyone seemed to love this shirt:

Me, too.

I'm starting to believe that I have no reason to blog really.. I just be writing some random stuff about my life that's of no real importance to anyone who reads it. I'm writing this because, I've recently been following a blog that actually gives readers like moral lessons of some sort.. His thoughts are BIG, and he has a way with words, like better than my way w words. I guess if/when I'm not depressed or in the liking of something or someone, I don't have much to write about. Good thing? Maybe.

Speaking of... I was recently going through my phone and found poems, quotes, pictures, conversations, and voice messages of two people, who I currently have blocked from my life right now. Well, AIM really, cus that's where I talked to them most of the time. I think I talked to these people, and had some type of strong, unoffical relationship with these people for the longest length of time that I've ever had with anyone else. Memories of one made me upset and think NEVER AGAIN WILL I GO BACK, cus this one always went back to someone else. smfhh. As for the other, memories make me think "What If" by Brutha, and after hearing this person's message a few times, and staring at the picture of the once upon a time "us", I cried. smhh.

"My shirt ain`t got no stripes, but I can make that pussy whistle."


There's also another artist I've been listening to lately, thanks to Gibran && Jenifer. And a certain song makes me think of the memories that made me cry.
& Oh Yeah, Bitch. Keep hatin` on my 'uncontrollable acne', the 'nose that takes up my face', the nonexistant 'fat that makes me look like a pig', my 'flow that's so off' cus I'm going blind and have to wear glasses, the fact the I messed with your man BEFORE ya even thought of getting together, && YES, I did love Lolo; which is all, may I remind you, NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS AND/OR CONCERN.
Let the past stay where I left it.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Shanelle. My words aren't better, I just like to help. I love reading about your life. I do admire your blogging skills. You're language is much for comfortable and approachable. Please continue to bang out these blogs =)
